Laef blo butterfly stap lo han blo u. The life of the butterfly is in your hands. —Bislama ni-Vanuatu
Your destiny depends on you. By working hard and making sacrifices, you will go far in life.
University of the South Pacific (USP) scholarships
PJSP will continue to support the professional development of court staff and judicial officers by providing scholarships to undertake Certificate of Justice, Diploma of Justice and (in exceptional circumstances) Bachelor of Laws and/or Master of Laws for women working in the justice system.
Following a review of the USP Certificate of Justice and Diploma of Justice programmes, PJSP will consider the recommendations with a view to implement necessary changes in 2024.
Tutorial support for scholarship students
PJSP will continue to fund additional tutorial support for USP students undertaking the Certificate and Diploma of Justice programmes, on request.
Mentoring for judicial officers
PJSP arranges and supports mentoring relationships between Pāsifika judicial officers and New Zealand judges. Resources and training are provided to mentors and mentees and ongoing support is provided. A review of the mentoring programme is planned for this period.
Three-year development plans for lay judicial officers
Needs analyses will inform three-year development plans for lay judicial officers in Niue and Cook Islands. This pilot ensures professional development needs are identified and implementation plans are developed.
Training for lay judicial officers
PJSP works with partner courts to identify the specific focus of training for lay judicial officers. Training is designed to improve their knowledge, skills and confidence and ensure quality decisions based on fair processes and the laws and customs of their jurisdiction. Workshops are practical in nature and usually cover the role and functions of judicial officers, judicial independence and conduct and decision-making. Training may be offered remotely or delivered in-country. Eight countries have been offered this support: Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue, the Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Tokelau, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
Training for court staff
PJSP works with partner courts to identify the specific focus of training for court staff. Training is designed to improve their knowledge, skills and confidence, and to enhance court services and improve access to justice. Training may be offered remotely or delivered in-country. Six countries have been offered jurisdiction-specific support: Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau and Tuvalu. Training on court costs has been identified as a potential topic for a regional webinar for registrars.
Mediation training pilot
In response to requests for mediation training from partner countries, PJSP will pilot one in-country mediation training. This initiative aims to equip judicial officers, advocates and court staff with mediation skills tailored to the Pacific context.
Human rights workshops for judicial officers, court staff and others working in the justice sector
PJSP works with partner courts to finalise the content of workshops focused on human rights, which are tailored to the roles of the audience and the jurisdictions they work in. In-country workshops on various human rights topics will be offered to three countries: Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu and training on youth justice in Tonga.
Training on implementing family protection orders
In-country workshops are planned for Vanuatu and Kiribati focused on implementing remote family protection orders, a key access to justice initiative supporting women and children.
Access to justice activities
A contribution to the Papua New Guinea Center for Judicial Excellence (PNGCJE) for the delivery of in-country access to justice activities including community outreach.
Regional court performance management and annual reporting webinar
Following on from the regional court performance and annual reporting workshop held in Wellington in 2023, PJSP will deliver a follow-up remote webinar for participants to share their court performance and annual reporting journeys, challenges and wins. Chief Justices and court leaders will also be invited. The webinar will launch the Court Performance Management Handbook.
Regional access to justice webinar: Youth justice
PJSP will conduct a regional webinar focused on youth justice. Youth justice resources will be launched at the webinar.
Regional litigation skills training and resources
PJSP will conduct a regional workshop for advocates and publish litigation resources to support advocates.
Develop paralegal certificate programme
PJSP will consult widely with stakeholders about the development of a Paralegals Certificate programme. Paralegals enable lawyers to expand their caseloads and provide increased accessibility to legal services. Through undertaking community legal awareness raising activities targeting marginalised community members, paralegals act as conduits between those communities and legal services, assisting people to navigate connections between state and community-based justice systems.
Activity delivery review
PJSP will review its approach, processes and mode/s of delivering activities to enhance future delivery; to ensure support and resources are tailored to the local context and fit for Pāsifika audiences; to identify localised delivery mechanisms and appropriate approaches including partnerships with other providers.
Lift programme: Support for locally-led initiatives
The LIFT programme enables local solutions to local issues through funding, technical advice and support. Courts can apply for funding for locally-run development activities at any time. There is an annual budget so early applications are encouraged.
PJSP applies criteria to assess whether a Lift application comes within the scope. This assessment process is documented and peer-reviewed within PJSP. An assessment is made considering:
Topics covered in the activity
The location of the activity
Wider benefits at the local or regional level, including to people with limited access to justice
Alignment with the objectives of PJSP
Sustainability considerations, for example, whether the opportunity would likely contribute to localisation of delivery
Value for money
The provider of the professional development opportunity
Connection to MERL outcomes
Vaka fund: Support for attendance at regional development opportunities
A targeted travel fund for Pacific Island judicial officers, court staff and lawyers to attend conferences and training opportunities within the Pacific region. For the 2023/24 programme, funds for travel are strictly limited and applications to the Vaka Fund are by invitation only, requiring nominations from the Chief Justice, Head of Bench, Court Registrar or Law Society President (or equivalent). Applications must be received 6 weeks prior to the event.
An assessment process is documented and peer-reviewed within PJSP, considering:
The applicant’s role and work experience
Alignment of topics covered in the professional development activity and the role of the applicant – is it a good fit?
Recommendation by the Chief Justice, Head of Bench, Court Manager or other key stakeholder
Wider benefits at the local or regional level, including to people with limited access to justice
Ability and willingness to share the learning and contribute to localising benefits
Diversity and inclusion
Leadership abilities/potential
Equity (balance of support across the 15 partner countries, previous support offered by PJSP)
Able to effectively participate - language, ability to travel
The location of the professional development activity – is it a reasonable distance away/cost-benefit?
Connection to MERL outcomes