Vaka Fund

Support to attend regional development opportunities

This is a targeted travel fund for Pacific Island judicial officers, court staff and lawyers to attend conferences or training opportunities in the Pacific.

For the 2023/24 programme, funds for travel are limited and applications to the Vaka Fund will require nomination from your Chief Justice, Head of Bench, Court Registrar or Law Society President (or equivalent).

Please note applications must now be received 8 weeks before the event to ensure sufficient time for planning and logistics.

The assessment process considers:

  • The applicant’s role and work experience
  • If the topics covered in the professional development activity align with the applicant's role – is it a good fit?
  • A recommendation by Chief Justice, Head of Bench, Court Manager, Law Society President, or other key stakeholder
  • The wider benefits of the experience at local or regional level, including to people with limited access to justice
  • Ability and willingness to share the learning locally
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Leadership potential
  • Equity (balance of support across the 15 partner countries, previous support offered by PJSP)
  • Able to effectively participate - ie language, ability to travel
  • The location of the professional development activity – is it a reasonable distance away/cost-benefit?
  • Connection to MERL outcomes.

 Download the Vaka application form